
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Weight Loss: Tips to Help you Stop Overeating

Author: Francis

Are you ready to break the habit of over eating? Many people suffer from mindless eating and as an result gain unwanted weight. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you have to find the balance between eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are satisfied. This article will provide you with very specific tips on how to stop over eating.

Tip #1

The first step you should take is to drink more water. Drinking a full glass of water or two before eating each meal will help you stop over eating. You should drink 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day. This step alone can actually lead to weight loss.

Tip #2

Another way to stop over eating is to eat your foods more slowly. Many people gulp food as fast as they can when they are hungry. They are not giving their brain enough time to realize their hunger has been satisfied and as an result, they over eat. It takes your brain several minutes to realize your hunger has been satisfied. Eating more slowly will help you stop overeating.

Tip #3

Many people over eat because they are not paying attention. When you eat do you actually think about what your doing? More often than not your mind of else where. Pay attention to how the food makes your feel. Has my hunger been satisfied? Do I need To eat more? You should only eat at the dinner table. Do not eat while at an computer or watching television or you will find it hard to stay focus.

Tip #4

Many people who try to stop over eating start by fixing smaller portions of meals. If you fix smaller portion meals you should use a smaller plate. In your minds eye, a lesser portion on a larger plate is going to make you feel as though there is not enough food on the plate. A full plate will give the illusion your eating a larger portion meal.

Tip #5

Many people often eat simply because they are bored. If hunger strikes, wait several minutes and find something to occupy your time. If your hunger is still there, you should eat something. If your hunger subsides, it was just because you were bored

Tip #6

As humans we are creatures of habit. You have to become more aware of what you eat and when you eat. Make a daily list of everything you eat and when. By doing this you will be able to identify habit eating patterns. You can eliminate these habits by sheer will. Ask yourself, do I really need to eat this? Am I really hungry? Could I go without eating this?

Tip #7

If you think you are about to break down if you do not eat something, try eating something healthy like an apple instead. Apples have been known to produce negative calories. This simple means your body burns more calories in the act of digesting the apple than the actual calories of the apple. Do not resort to ice creams or junk food. Just eat something healthy that will fill you up.

You should really make an honest effort to stop over eating or it will lead to unwanted weight gain. Most people who often over eat are also over weight. Dieting is hard for them and they usually fail. You need to find a diet program that is not a calorie counting based diet that allows you to eat foods more often .

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Diet Truth

By Joseph Cole

In this article, you will discover the truth about the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet. Apple cider vinegar itself is an acidic solution produced by fermenting apples. It contains minerals, trace elements and vitamins, as well as acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids and roughage in the form of apple pectin and potash.

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, reported it to be a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and it is said to help regulate the body's acid/alkaline balance. The enzymes also make it beneficial for joint health, helping with arthritis and osteoporosis. The question, however, is where did the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet come from and does the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet work?

The apple cider vinegar weight loss diet became popular back in the 1970s, alongside many other fad diets and weight loss scams. In fact, some even say that the Egyptians used the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet.

The apple cider vinegar weight loss diet says that all you need to do to lose weight is to take one, two, or three teaspoons before every meal, starting with one teaspoon and then working up to two or three, and wait for the apple cider vinegar to reduce your hunger and food cravings.

When starting an apple cider vinegar weight loss diet it is advised to purchase the apple cider vinegar from a health store and not a refined version such as those found in supermarkets. Organic apple cider vinegar will still have the enzymes in it, known as the "mother", which look like stringy globs floating inside the bottle.

Some recommend mixing the vinegar in water with several teaspoons of honey to mask the strong acidic taste. Others prefer to take apple cider vinegar weight loss tablets. If you decide to take the liquid form when starting the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet the first thing you will discover is that apple cider vinegar is an acquired taste.

In addition to the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet, this supplement is claimed to help with arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, colitis, coughs, diarrhea, dizziness, ear discharge, eczema, tired and sore eyes, fatigue, food poisoning, hair loss, hay fever, headaches, hearing, heartburn, hiccups, insomnia, as well as kidneys and bladder problems.

There is no scientific evidence to show that the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet can help you shed pounds. However, supplement companies freely make exaggerated claims tooting its magical fat burning effects. In fact, being a “natural” product, unlike weight loss drugs, clinical trials and studies are not required for such claims to be made about the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet.

While apple cider vinegar has been said to prevent a number of illnesses and diseases for centuries, and may have many medical uses, apple cider vinegar weight loss diet’s effectiveness has not been proven and if anything, will only result in marginal results.

In my suggestion, the apple cider vinegar weight loss diet should be avoided. If you’re looking for something to add to your diet to aid weight loss my suggestion would be extra virgin olive oil, drizzled on your salads and vegetables, as well as fish oil supplements, which are high in Omega 3, known for its remarkable health benefits.

Joseph Cole has blown the whistle on the weight loss industry. Find out why 95% dieters fail within one year, why fat burning bills are a complete waste of money and why you don't need to count calories to lose weight. Download his brand new revealing industry report for FREE right now at:

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How to Plan Effective Nutrition Diet for Weight loss?

By Hasspan Zhu

Zero carbs. Fat flush. No dessert. Sound familiar? Losing weight is hard enough as it is, and all the fad diets that come and go make choosing a natural weight loss program much more confusing. There seems to be no consistent source of information. However, you can make real changes without excessive hunger and discomfort. Simply commit to a healthy diet to live by daily.How to Plan Effective Nutrition Diet for Weight loss?Following these tips:

1 It’s important to understand the basics for good nutrition.The body’s three primary nutrient needs include protein, fats, and carbohydrates. The trick is choosing the right low-fat proteins, unsaturated fats, and whole-grain carbohydrates in reasonable portions. Even if your goal is not natural weight loss, the basics for good nutrition are essential to a healthy diet.

2 Eating Carbs But Not Gaining Weight.You can eat carbs and not gain weight. It is in the choice of carbohydrates that you consume that will make the difference. Including more vegetables and whole grains in your diet and eating less simple carbohydrates like sugars that are in soda, candy, processed and refined foods will help you in losing weight. Paying attention to portion sizes will also help. Pasta is an easy trap for eating to much carbohydrates. If you like pasta add vegetable to you dishes, since vegetables are good carbs and have fiber in them they will help fill you up faster. Eat a salad with every meal, but pay attention to what you put on your salad, stick to low fat versions of dressings, like Italian and Vinaigrettes.

3 Fulfill yourself with reasonable portions. You should never eat until you’re stuffed--nor should you ever get up from the table hungry. Your stomach can hold about one quart of food and beverage, an amount that would fit in your cupped hands. The trick to fulfillment is to slow down! Savor your food, and chew each bite 30 times. Not only is this the first crucial step in digestion, but it allows your stomach and brain to register when you’re full. Don’t interfere with your body’s ability to enjoy food by watching TV, working, or worse yet, driving. Sit down, relax, and enjoy your meal.

Want to Plan Effective Nutrition Diet Yourself? visit

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Diet Pills For Fast Weight Loss

By Mark Dailey

A lot of folks are looking for a fast way to lose weight. With summer around the corner, and with the severe health problems associated with being overweight, lots of people are looking online to find a good diet pill for fast weight loss.

Unfortunately, it is not the best idea to buy the first diet pill you can find. Both prescription and natural weight loss pills are very common online but there are a few things to look out for before spending your money on one. Here are a few tips to consider when looking for a diet pill that will be safe and effective for fast weight loss.

1. Does the diet pill have any side effects?

Most of the prescription drugs you see advertised on TV have at least some side effects. One common one is an increased heart rate because these prescription diet pills tend to make your heart work overtime, making you more active and more likely to lose weight through increased activity. This can be dangerous however and has led to heart attacks, dehydration, and other problems.

2. Does the diet pill require a prescription, or is it natural?

Herbal diet pills for fast weight loss include Hoodia Gordonii, and other herbal blends that will help you burn fat naturally, reduce food cravings, and burn excess stored fat all at the same time. Herbal diet pills are becoming more common as their totally natural ingredients leave no side effects and there is no hassle of getting a prescription.

3. Does the diet pill come with an exercise program?

Thats right, while diet pills will certainly help you lose weight faster, the best results come when you try to eat a better diet with more fruits and veggies, and get more exercise than before. Some newer diet pills like Proactol come with an online exercise program to help you track your weight loss success and this will guarantee that you reach your weight loss goals.

Mark Dailey is a nutritionist who researches, tests and reviews popular weight loss programs. If you found the above tips about diet pills for fast weight loss helpful, Visit his site to learn more about diet pills for fast weight loss at

Diet pill for fast weight loss

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

How Massage Can Help Your Clients Lose Weight

By Nicole Cutler

Following the holiday season, many people become increasingly aware of their weight. While frequent holiday parties and homemade treats and goodies are some possible culprits, most people get together during this time of year to share rich, lavish meals. One of the most commonly heard New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight in the coming year. This desire to lose weight prompts short-lived exercise routines and diets, however, massage therapy can be an integral part of a sustained, successful weight-loss program.

While massage therapy alone cannot take off unwanted pounds, it can aid you in other areas to achieve your weight-loss goal. Regular massage sessions increase circulation, which can speed up your metabolic rate, allowing your body to burn more calories faster. Massage therapy also improves flexibility and can help relieve the muscle soreness typically felt after a hard workout session at the gym. Massage can also reduce the likelihood of injuries that would prohibit someone from regularly exercising, making massage a great preventive measure.

In addition to the physical benefits, massage therapy can also help the weight loss effort by providing psychological motivation. Treating yourself to a massage after a workout is healthy and rewards you for your hard work. This may be just the encouragement you need to continue your workout routine.

With the rise in obesity levels seen throughout the population of the United States, now is the perfect time to recognize the positive weight-loss benefits that massage therapy can offer, and get started on your very own personalized weight-loss program. Utilize massage treatments to help your body’s capability to shed pounds, and then reward yourself with a massage for a job well done.

Want to learn more about how massage therapy can help you lose weight? Click here to read this entire article.

This article was prepared for Learn more about massage therapy and massage therapy continuing education programs.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Weight Loss Tip: How To Lose Beer Belly Fat Fast

By Steve Gee

Do you want to know how to lose beer belly fat fast?

There are a lot of calories in beer and alcoholic drinks in general and you don't have to drink very much of it to start putting on weight. Your body converts the excess calories in the alcohol you drink into fat and stores it in convenient places around your body. One of the easiest places to store fat in your body is around your stomach and that's where a lot of the fat goes when you drink large volumes of beer. So how do you get rid of stomach fat fast?

Beer Belly Fat isn't very attractive

If you've managed to increase the size of your stomach by drinking too much alcohol then you might notice that you've become less attractive. Rolls of fat around your middle are often described as 'love handles' but that's only to be kind I'm afraid.

Have you been invited to a wedding or a party? Perhaps you have a job interview coming up. You might want to lose that belly fat fast for a number of reasons. I have a few tips for you below but first take a look at an article about a food that can actually help you to burn more fat without reducing the calories that you eat: Foods that help you to lose weight

Losing weight quickly and safely

The first thing you must do is stop drinking so much calorie-laden alcohol. This will reduce your calorie intake but you must be careful not to reduce your calories too much. Anyone can lose weight quickly by starving themselves but this can seriously damage your health because your body starts to burn lean muscle as well as your stores of fat.

Conventional wisdom tells us that slow weight loss of around 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy target when achieved through good nutrition and exercise. Slow weight loss programs like this are more likely to burn off fat not muscle and give you a good chance of keeping the weight off permanently but it's no good if you have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks time.

Lose weight quickly without starving yourself

Calories are important in any weight loss plan but it isn't the only thing that matters. It is true that if you burn more calories than you consume then your body starts to convert stored fat into energy to make up for the shortfall. However you should not reduce your calorie intake too much or you'll start to lose muscle as well as fat.

Exercise is important because the more you do the more calories you'll burn. Exercise alone isn't going to make you fit into your wedding outfit quickly however. So how can you burn off more calories and lose your beer belly fat quickly without reducing your calories to dangerous levels? The trick is to reduce your calorie intake a little, exercise regularly and persuade your body to burn as many calories as possible.

Trick your body into burning calories

There are one or two techniques that you can use to trick your body into burning more calories and enable you to lose weight faster. The first technique that I want to tell you about is to replace some of the fat in your diet with lean protein. Studies have shown that people that do this are able to burn fat easier even when they maintain their calorie intake. Eating many small meals rather than fewer large meals can also help your body to burn the calories that you eat and so make it easier for you to lose your stomach fat.

A relatively new technique puts you on a diet where you actually change the types of calories that you eat on a daily basis. If you eat the same kinds of foods all the time then your body is able to adjust your metabolic rate to keep your weight constant. This means that if you reduce the amount of calories that eat in an attempt to lose weight then your body just compensates by not burning so many.

If you change the type of calories that you eat daily then you can actually trick your body into keeping your metabolic rate up and burn calories fast. If you reduce the number of calories you eat at the same time then you'll lose weight. I think that this could be the best way how to lose beer belly fat fast.

New diet that turns conventional wisdom on it's head and tricks your body into losing 9 pounds every 11 days Gets Rid Of Belly Fat Fast Read about my lifetime struggle to stay lean, fit and healthy at

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Weight Loss Workouts for Busy People

By Craig Ballantyne

You can get an incredible weight loss workout at home without any equipment. That's right, you can burn fat and lose fat in the comfort of your own home. You don't need fancy machines or expensive mega-gym memberships, and you don't have to deal with line-ups or sweaty, stinky fellow gym-members. Ewww!

Okay, here's the first thing you need. About a 8x8 open area. And your bodyweight. That's it. Don't rest between any of these exercises.

First exercise: Prisoner Squat

Place your hands behind your head, keep your elbows back, and squat down halfway to the ground. Keep your shoulder blades together to work your upper back and push your hips back as you squat to work your back of your legs.

Do that 10-20 times depending on your strength levels.

Second exercise: Push-up Plus

Do a regular pushup, but at the top, add a little extra push to round your upper back and make your shoulder blades move away from one another. Do 4-12 reps depending on your strength.

Third exercise: Plank

Support yourself on your forarms and toes and keep your body in a straight line from ankles to shoulders. You'll be "hovering" just above the ground. Keep your abs braced and hold for 10-60 seconds depending on your endurance.

Fourth exercise: Split squat

Stand with one foot 2 feet in front of your body and the other foot 1 foot behind your body. This is a stationary lunge position. Bend your back knee and drop your hips to the floor. Then push up using the muscles of the lead leg. Use a wall for balance or support if needed. Do 5-12 reps per side depending on strength.

Rest 1 minute then repeat the circuit up to 4 times.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit