
Saturday, December 30, 2006

It Is Not a Diet; but It is a Plan:The American Geisha Weight Loss Plan in 2007

By Py Kim Conant

I have a plan for you to lose weight while in search of love and marriage in 2007. It is Not a diet, but it is a plan to help you reach—and maintain—your most beautiful weight, not an anorexic or skinny weight, but the most comfortable, healthy, and appropriate weight for your body type.

No other “beauty factor” is as important in attracting a man’s attention as achieving and maintaining your most beautiful weight. It is appropriate to emphasize weight in developing a hot and sexy American Geisha appearance because extra pounds can have such a specific and significant impact on areas of beauty throughout the body.

For now, let’s just acknowledge how important the right weight—a beautiful weight for you—can be in the eyes of a Good Man, and how important that right weight can be to your own level of confidence and happiness.

You’ve probably heard the research showing that over 60 percent of Americans are either fat or, worse, obese. This is an incredible fact: Six women out of ten are much too heavy for their beauty or their health. And, of course, still more women are above their best, most beautiful weight. If you are among the 20 or 30 percent of women who are at or near their best or most beautiful weight, then you will have a great advantage (an incredible one!) over those other, say, 70 percent of American women in attracting appropriate men to you.

Here’s the most important and first step of the American Geisha weight loss plan that will work for you:

Sincerely convince yourself of the truth of these two affirmations in support of your 2007 resolutions to in 2007 in support of your 2007 resolutions to be married within the next 12-to-18 months:

• I want more than anything to be in love with and married to a Good Man within twelve to eighteen months.

• I care more about love and marriage to a Good Man than I do about food.

Because you care so much about love and marriage, beauty and sexy femininity, you will be successful in managing your weight. Then you will be at your strongest and most confident as you pursue love and marriage with your Good Man.

Py Kim Conant, the author of Sex Secrets of an American Geisha: How to Attract, Satisfy, and Keep Your Man, Hunter House Publishers. Looking for relationship, dating and sex tips? Visit Py’s website at

Friday, December 29, 2006

Weight Loss Motivation

By Craig Ballantyne

In order to succeed and lose fat, you need to keep your motivation and commitment to your weight loss program. There are some tips and tricks to help you.

First, focus on what has worked in the past for you. If you know you can stick to a walking program, start there and then try to add in new stuff like strength training. Don't signup for a gym if you know you hate it. Then, stay positive knowing that you are using what works for you - and look at the extra strength training as a bonus. Don't let any negativity creep into your mind.

Keep that picture of success in your mind at all times. With a positive attitude, you'll be more open to trying new exercise methods and nutritious foods.

Second, write down your goals and re-visit them everyday. Keep them in mind all the time, and you'll choose activities that take you closer to your goals rather than away from them.

Be specific and realistic with your goals, and keep them framed in a positive light. Visualize reaching those goals, and visualize a reward you can have for reaching the goals. Again, these are all powerful, positive images.

Third, get a group involved as your social support. Get as many people as possible supporting you, and hang around only the positive people. Negative people will only get in your way and bring you down. So at work, only eat with the people that respect your goals, or better yet, want to reach the same goals.

Same with exercise. In fact, research has shown that you will succeed if your workout partner succeeds. So get that group together and stay positive.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Monday, December 25, 2006

What Foods Hold the Most Weight Loss Protection?

By Jon M. Stout

Obesity is one of the number one health concerns in today’s society. The US Centers for Disease Control estimates that over 60 million Americans, or 30% of the adult population, are obese. The term obese refers to people who weigh over 30 pounds more than their ideal weight, or who have a Body Mass Index of 30 or more.

One of the national health objectives in the US is to reduce the incidence of obesity to less than 15% of the adult population by 2010; however, current statistics indicate that the problem is still on the rise. In addition, the percentage of young people in America who are overweight has more than tripled since 1980. Over 9 million children and teens between the ages of 6 and 19 are considered overweight. This equates to 16 % of the population.

There’s no question that losing weight is not easy. And, it’s also clear that we’ve changed our lifestyles in ways that are making it easier for us to become obese. Some of the biggest culprits in the battle of the bulge are the following.

• Busy Schedules – The average family has a much more demanding schedule than in years past. Because of this, mealtimes often go by the wayside, and we choose lots of fast food. Our stress levels may also lead to emotional eating, where we have no concept of how many calories we’ve consumed. These factors combined have made our diets poor and our concept of a normal meal skewed.

• Sedentary Lifestyles – Today many people spend lots of time sitting down between our desk jobs and our love of watching television and playing computer and video games. For many of us, regular exercise is simply no longer a part of our daily life.

• Large food portions – Most restaurant portions are 2-3 times the size that makes up a reasonable meal. From this we’ve gained a distorted image of the size portions we should be eating, and we’re consuming far too many calories in a day.

• Poor nutrition – Processed foods are a staple in the American diet. In addition, we eat lots of red meat and products made with white flour. These overly processed and high fat foods make it easy to gain weight. They also lead to heart disease and high cholesterol.

So, what do we do to overcome our weight problems? Well, as with many things, there are no magic bullets. To lose weight, we have to expend more calories than we consume. It’s just that simple.

Losing weight is simple, but it’s not easy, particularly since much of the food we’re presented with every day is not conducive to weight loss. So, if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good, you need to make a commitment to making long term changes in your life. Starving yourself is not the answer; making changes you can live with is the way to go. First, take a look at what you eat. If you’re guilty of eating lots of processed foods, red meat, sugar and white flour, make changes in what you eat.

Substitute chicken and fish for red meat most days of the week.

Cook your own meals using fresh ingredients; don’t rely on processed foods that are loaded with preservatives.

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

Choose whole grain products over those made with white flour

Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

These changes alone should help you lose weight. However, for many people it will also be necessary to look at how much you eat. Portion control is very important, because very large portions of even healthy food can mean that you’re consuming too many calories.

The second half of the weight loss equation has to do with exercise. Not only will exercise help you burn more calories each day, but it will also help you build muscle. Muscle is important because even when resting, muscle mass burns more calories than fat. So, if you have a lot of lean muscle, you’ll burn more calories in a day, without even trying.

Aim for 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five times a week. Walking is a great way to get your cardiovascular exercise, and it will help build muscle in the lower body, too. Just be sure that you’re walking at a pace that will make you sweat. Raising your heart rate during your cardiovascular workout is important for keeping your heart healthy.

In addition to your cardiovascular workout, get in some strength training three times a week for about 20 minutes each session. You don’t need to become a body builder, but adding some lean muscle will speed up your metabolism and make your body look thinner and leaner.

Finally, take a look at adding some “functional foods” to your diet. Functional foods are those that have benefits to the body above and beyond their basic nutritional qualities. Foods that would be considered functional foods for weight loss would be those that make us feel full and satisfied for longer, and those that have the potential to increase our metabolism.

For example, you may have heard of negative calorie foods. These are foods that contain fewer calories than your body uses to digest them. Some examples of negative calorie food include raw carrots, celery, asparagus, apple, beet, berries, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, chili, cucumber, garlic, lettuce, grapefruit, lemon, mango, onion, orange, papaya, pineapple, spinach, turnip, and zucchini.

There are likely other functional foods for weight loss. Foods that are believed to be functional for weight loss include low fat milk, nuts and tea. A study reported by the UK Tea Council discusses certain foods and their potential to be functional weight loss foods.

Studies have shown that people who drink 24 ounces or more of milk each day tend to weigh less than people who don’t drink milk. So, it appears that adding 24 ounces of milk to your diet each day might be a good way to lose some weight, and help keep it off.

Nuts have gained a lot of attention because of two important properties. The first is that nuts are very satisfying. Nuts can help you feel full for longer, helping to ensure that you eat fewer calories in a day.

Secondly, nuts are a good source of healthy fats. These are the fats that help raise your HDL cholesterol level. HDL cholesterol is what is known as “good cholesterol” because it has the power to carry molecules of LDL cholesterol “bad cholesterol” to the liver, where it can be removed from the body.

A final food that is likely functional to weight loss is green tea. Green tea has been shown to help regulate blood sugar naturally, which may help us store fewer calories as fat. Secondly, green tea has been shown to promote thermogenesis; heat that burns body fat.

Green tea is extremely low in calories, and very healthy overall. So, if it can also help us lose weight, it may just qualify as a “super food”. There have been numerous studies linking green tea with preventing disease and protecting health.

So, if you’re battling the bulge, get some exercise and make some changes in your diet. And, make sure that one of those changes is adding some “functional foods”, so that losing weight can be easier than ever!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

15 Strategies for Holiday Eating Without Weight Gain

By Michelle May

Are you one of those people who anticipate and dread the holidays at the same time? Not just the presents, decorations, travel and company, but all of the food? This time of year can really be a challenge so here are 15 tips that will help you enjoy the season more while eating less.

• It is easier to get distracted from signals of physical hunger and satiety at social gatherings, especially if food is the main event. Make an effort to pay close attention to your body's signals so you aren't just drawn in by the goodies and traditions.

• Be a food snob. Skip the store-bought goodies, the dried-out fudge and the so-so stuffing. If the food you select doesn't taste as good as you expected, stop eating it and choose something else. Think of how much less you'd eat if you only ate things that tasted fabulous!

• Think of your appetite as an expense account. How much do you want to spend on appetizers or the entree? Do you want to save some room for dessert? Go through this process mentally to avoid eating too much food and feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the evening.

• Pace your eating prior to the event so you'll be hungry but not famished at mealtime. But ignore the old diet advice of "eat before you go to a party so you won’t be tempted." That is absurd! You want to be hungry enough to enjoy your favorites.

• Socialize away from the sight of the food. People who tend to overeat are "food suggestible" so just hanging around food causes them to eat more than they need.

• Survey all of the food at a buffet before making your choices. Choose the foods that you really want most at that time and remind yourself that you can have the other foods at a later time.

• If the food is so special, give it your full attention rather than eating on autopilot. Eat mindfully by reducing distractions and sitting down to eat - even if it’s just a cookie. Appreciate the appearance and aroma of your food and savor one small bite at a time by putting your fork down. You'll eat less food but enjoy it more.

• Meals last longer during social events so have your plate taken away or put your napkin on it once you are satisfied to avoid nibbling unconsciously.

• Be aware of the effects of alcohol on your food intake. And don't forget that many holiday beverages contain a lot of calories too.

• Be cautious of "obligatory eating" – avoid eating just because it is on the table, on your plate, because you paid for it, or because someone made it.

• Deal with Food Pushers with a polite but firm, "No thank you." If you are concerned about hurting their feelings, ask for the recipe or a small portion to take home with you for another meal.

• It’s common to have candy and snacks lying all over the office this time of year. Avoid indulging in food just because it’s there. Grazing unconsciously will lead to many extra calories that you may not even remember enjoying.

• Before having a cookie, a piece of fudge, or other holiday treat that was set in the break room, make sure you are actually hungry. When you eat food your body didn't ask for, it has no choice but to store it. If you aren't hungry but you still want it, don't deprive yourself. Just take a piece and save it for later.

• At restaurants, the portion sizes are usually huge – almost always "two for the price of one." Request appetizer portions, co-order and co-eat with your dining partner, or have the server package up your meal to go as soon as you feel satisfied. Remember, "super-size" is no bargain if you didn't need that much food in the first place!

• Look for opportunities for physical activity – take a walk after dinner to enjoy the lights, take a few laps around the mall before it opens to do some window shopping or take guests to local attractions.

Most importantly, delight all of your senses. Enjoy the company, the atmosphere, the entertainment, and the traditions as much, if not more, than the food.

Friday, December 22, 2006

9 Ways On How To Be A Purposeful - Driven Weight Manager

Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it. People come to be builders, for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just acts we come to be just. By doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled, and by doing brave acts we become brave.

-Aristotle Nicomachaen Ethics

Look Hard At Yourself. Honestly appraise who you are, face your insecurities and your fears. Living honestly is a matter of implementing conscience, strengths, passion, wants and needs. Sometimes looking at yourself can be extremely painful but once you look hard, you can decide to change yourself. Spend some time in personal reflection, and ask “What is really motivating me to lose weight and how can I use this to give my life more purpose and meaning?” It may be because you want to have the strength and energy to play with you kids. It may be, you feel sluggish that you cannot even climb up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Dig deep and capture your thoughts.

Write a Personal Mission statement. From the idea above. Write down your meaningful “WHY” behind your weight loss drive You can include your goals. Be specific and clear. Write down what you want on paper and keep this near you and read it often.

Be Committed. Successful weight managers make time to exercise and eat right because they are committed. It’s an excuse if you say “I don’t have the time” What your really saying is “I want to, but I don’t have the commitment.”

Listen Positively. You and I will get an “education” from the media whether you like it or not. You can, however, choose your noise. Make it a choice and listen to positive, educational and motivational sources through audio CD’s or books and make this a part of your life….even if it’s 15 minutes of your day. Listen while you drive in your car.

Get a Network that Works. Surround yourself with encouraging, action oriented group of people. People who are striving to meet a similar goals like yours. You can find a friend locally, join a weight loss center or maybe meet people through a discussion board or online group. Got it? Good!

Plan Your Nutrition. Make it a priority to eat for nourishment and not for pleasure. Do your homework and make a grocery list of foods you intend to buy before you head out to the market. Keep a journal of your diet for at least 3 weeks when just starting your food “lifestyle” plan. Writing ingrains and makes conscious what you should and should not be putting in your mouth.

Drink Plenty Of Water. I run into clients who prefer to drink diet drinks and sodas but they will help their body and metabolism much better and effectively with just, good, clean water. You cannot drink enough of it.

You Can’t Do “Couch or Mouse Potato” Unplug your TV or Internet connection and get moving! Your calories don’t get burned up on their own…you must get active. Successful weight managers put extra movement activities like walking, hiking, dancing in their day.

Do You Get the Picture? “Picturing yourself” several times a day. I am a big believer in practicing the behavior you are trying to integrate into your life through mental movies. By visualizing and imagining your “preferred behavior of choice” bridges the conscious and subconscious mind. When people start committing themselves to mental rehearsals often enough, the pictures become a creative force in their own life. I’ve done this many times…and great things start happening in my life. It’s the law of attraction. I want you, however, to set a huge goal of visualizing your mental movie in segments of 20 seconds in length at least 100 times a day. This is approximately 20 minutes a day. You can spare 20 minutes a day can’t you? I guarantee you this idea alone will change your life!

You have that seed of greatness within you – make things happen!

Copyright 2006 Adriel Yapana

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Choose To Focus On Body Fat % Instead Of Body Weight

By Jessica Dawn

Body Weight or Body Fat % Make a decision to focus on Body Fat, not Body Weight. Most fitness seekers & dieters want to lose weight so they can feel better about themselves, improve their health, and look attractive. There are a few simple ideas I'd like to share about the difference between body weight & body fat % that may help you to reach your goals more easily.

If you've ever cut calories for quick weight loss, you probably noticed a quick decrease in your body weight, which made you feel like you were taking the right action steps. You cut calories, and you lost weight. So why do you need to know about body fat % when it's obvious that losing weight is that easy?

In addition to weight loss, you may have noticed difficulty in maintaining the "low cal" lifestyle, sluggishness, and periods of binge eating. Eventually, you regain all the weight you initially lost and a few extra pounds for good measure. Getting in the best shape of your life is not quite as simple as just cutting calories to lose weight.

The human body is extremely adaptive and intelligent. If you slash calories, your body automatically adapts and begins to conserve energy. In some cases of extreme calorie depravation, the body will go into starvation mode. This means the body is conserving energy at all costs and your metabolism is screeching almost to a halt (not really, but it slows down A LOT!)The tricky part is....the first thing you lose when cutting calories like that is water, and you also begin to use your immediate energy reserves (glycogen). You begin storing all the food you do eat as fat and your metabolic rate decreases. So even though it appears that you have "lost weight", all you've really done is lost excess water and important fuel your body needs to stay healthy. Worse yet, if you do manage to cut calories for a short time, it's almost impossible to maintain this behavior. For most people, it backfires and usually results in bingeing or overeating.

If you make the decision to focus on decreasing your body fat %, verses losing body weight, you'll notice that you get continual results, and your body looks firm and more tone than when you just focus on the scale. Your body weight really doesn't give you much information about your overall fitness level, or your level of health. It's your body fat %, not your body weight which really determines what size you are and how good you look. A healthy body fat % will give you a lean, tone, healthy & fit look. A low body weight doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a tone, fit stomach, lose your love handles, or have nice, firm arms.

We've all experienced it before, losing body weight feels really good, but when you look in the mirror, you can still see unwanted fat deposits that look jiggly, cottage cheesy, and lumpy. It's your body fat that takes up space and has no real shape except just to hang around looking sort of gross. When you jump up and down, its fat (not muscle) that you feel flapping around. Fat cells have no real function except to store energy and sit around looking ugly until you find a way to burn off the excess energy.

Conversely, muscle is quite different than fat. Muscle is firm, shapely, and serves a very important purpose in your body. Muscles are calories burners and require much more energy to maintain than ugly fat cells. Having strong muscles helps support your entire body structure including bones, skin, ligaments & tendons. When you have the right balance of muscle tone and body fat, your body looks tone, firm, and fit.

Why is it so important to know the difference between muscle & fat? Understanding the difference between muscle and fat is crucial if you want to learn to have the physique you want and keep it for life. When you know the difference between muscle & fat, you realize how important it is to focus on losing body fat instead of losing weight. When you begin to make this shift, you'll see lifetime, lasting results that lead you toward your goals.

What can you do to lose fat? The best way to lose fat it's better to make smaller changes and cut 300 or 400 calories from your usual daily intake instead of trying to get by on the bare minimum of calories. By doing this you'll be providing your body with energy it needs throughout the day and keep your metabolism steadily burning calories. To learn more, visit:

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Hormone Weight Loss

By Stoyan Katsarski

To be simple hormone weight loss ideas can suppress the hormones which stimulates people to do things than accumulates fat inside their bodies and charge up those hormones which in fact encourages a weight loss and acquire a better body shape! That’s it…hormone weight loss, the expanding horizon of good health.

Looking at how fat is gained and how hormone weight loss can help reduce it. During stressful moments a lot of hormones get released, however the most important among these are the hormones named Cortisol and Epinephrine. This hormone stimulates appetite and during stressful moments people tend to eat a lot of junk food. This is detrimental to hormone weight loss plan.

Moreover, this eating stimulates extra production of insulin, which gives the feeling of hungrier even if one is eating. So more junk food goes in and fat gets deposited. If this can be controlled via any means it can be aptly termed hormone weight loss. Hence the hormone weight loss should be focused towards keeping this hormone under control.

Controlling via hormone weight loss strategies involve a lot of self-dedication. One of the best ways of hormone weight loss is to breathe slowly and taking deep breaths through the nose. This can be achieved in hormone weight loss ideas by diverting the mind towards really positive thoughts…like soothing words of a prophet or family or even children. Great moments spent with dear ones etc. And thus the stress stays under control and no hormones stimulates the body to absorb fat…hence hormone weight loss is achieved.Even keeping nice photographs, like of some scenic beauty or even a person’s own close family can do this trick. Visual effect has a great impact upon such hormonal control and can help a lot to reduce stress and thereby provide hormone weight loss.

For hormone weight loss, everyone should try to keep a leisure time within tightly packed schedules. A bit of a chat or a game of puzzles, or even a conversation over the phone with family can help reduce a lot of stress level and control the Cortisol and Epinephrine from poking the body to take more fat. Thus hormone weight loss stays in effect during long working hours too. Sometimes a soft music can be played during working hours…the sweetly flowing tunes helps the body from getting stressed and keeps the hormone weight loss process active during working hours too.

An old saying is…laughing is the best remedy. This is very true for hormone weight loss. Research has proved that laughing can help reduce Cortisol and Epinephrine levels drastically. So people going for hormone weight loss must make it a habit to keeps elements of laughter in their daily routine in order to stay healthy. Apart from these one of the biggest non-sexual pleasure that a human body can experience is massage. Hormone weight loss can be very effective if a person routinely pressure massage, which is a very effective tool to reduce the stress hormone levels.

Throughout the entire discussion for hormone weight loss a lot of ideas have come into light, but it has to be also very clear that hormones being integral parts of the human body & mind everyone must voluntarily participate in the hormone weight loss process, otherwise the whole initiative becomes futile.