
Friday, December 22, 2006

9 Ways On How To Be A Purposeful - Driven Weight Manager

Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it. People come to be builders, for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just acts we come to be just. By doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled, and by doing brave acts we become brave.

-Aristotle Nicomachaen Ethics

Look Hard At Yourself. Honestly appraise who you are, face your insecurities and your fears. Living honestly is a matter of implementing conscience, strengths, passion, wants and needs. Sometimes looking at yourself can be extremely painful but once you look hard, you can decide to change yourself. Spend some time in personal reflection, and ask “What is really motivating me to lose weight and how can I use this to give my life more purpose and meaning?” It may be because you want to have the strength and energy to play with you kids. It may be, you feel sluggish that you cannot even climb up a flight of stairs without gasping for air. Dig deep and capture your thoughts.

Write a Personal Mission statement. From the idea above. Write down your meaningful “WHY” behind your weight loss drive You can include your goals. Be specific and clear. Write down what you want on paper and keep this near you and read it often.

Be Committed. Successful weight managers make time to exercise and eat right because they are committed. It’s an excuse if you say “I don’t have the time” What your really saying is “I want to, but I don’t have the commitment.”

Listen Positively. You and I will get an “education” from the media whether you like it or not. You can, however, choose your noise. Make it a choice and listen to positive, educational and motivational sources through audio CD’s or books and make this a part of your life….even if it’s 15 minutes of your day. Listen while you drive in your car.

Get a Network that Works. Surround yourself with encouraging, action oriented group of people. People who are striving to meet a similar goals like yours. You can find a friend locally, join a weight loss center or maybe meet people through a discussion board or online group. Got it? Good!

Plan Your Nutrition. Make it a priority to eat for nourishment and not for pleasure. Do your homework and make a grocery list of foods you intend to buy before you head out to the market. Keep a journal of your diet for at least 3 weeks when just starting your food “lifestyle” plan. Writing ingrains and makes conscious what you should and should not be putting in your mouth.

Drink Plenty Of Water. I run into clients who prefer to drink diet drinks and sodas but they will help their body and metabolism much better and effectively with just, good, clean water. You cannot drink enough of it.

You Can’t Do “Couch or Mouse Potato” Unplug your TV or Internet connection and get moving! Your calories don’t get burned up on their own…you must get active. Successful weight managers put extra movement activities like walking, hiking, dancing in their day.

Do You Get the Picture? “Picturing yourself” several times a day. I am a big believer in practicing the behavior you are trying to integrate into your life through mental movies. By visualizing and imagining your “preferred behavior of choice” bridges the conscious and subconscious mind. When people start committing themselves to mental rehearsals often enough, the pictures become a creative force in their own life. I’ve done this many times…and great things start happening in my life. It’s the law of attraction. I want you, however, to set a huge goal of visualizing your mental movie in segments of 20 seconds in length at least 100 times a day. This is approximately 20 minutes a day. You can spare 20 minutes a day can’t you? I guarantee you this idea alone will change your life!

You have that seed of greatness within you – make things happen!

Copyright 2006 Adriel Yapana

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